- 1Save yourself a lot of time effort and investigate this field before investing so much in an area that requires so much learning. Chemical engineers have to learn how to use in combination: applied math, physics, chemistry, mechanics, process design, engineering economics, technical writing, and many more courses that can be found in a university guide.
- 2Learn how to ask questions and start interviewing engineers. Your goal in interviewing will be to ask chemical engineers about their experiences. Find out what they like and do not. They create everyday items including deodorants, glues, paints, plastics, and anything you can imagine that has atoms...everything!! Chemical engineers can be great cooks because if you think about it, cooking combines chemistry and processes.
- 3Learn on your own. This is how you really learn. Learn to find information. Read books and magazines. Do experiments. Visit plants, talk to engineers in other fields (mechanical, electrical, civil, survey, etc), do an internship. Read patents about chemical technology.
- 4Find a school you like. If you think it's too expensive, get a scholarship or move to a country where you don't pay tuition. Believe it or not, there are good schools in these places as well.
Become a Chemical Engineer
Have you ever wondered who designs complex machines and pipes in a refinery? Chemical engineers, of course! It's a fun and profitable profession. You will be able to invent new processes and materials.