Become a Nerf Engineer

Nerf engineers are hard to come by, but extremely useful in a Nerf war. They are the crafters of grenades, the people who mod, Nerf inventors, backup and many other things. Some samples will be in the tips.

  1. Become a Nerf Engineer Step 1.jpg
    Figure out how some common Nerf guns work, some mods and think about engineering for Nerf. Also, study basic deployment tactics for your Nerf weapons.
  2. Become a Nerf Engineer Step 2.jpg
    When in a Nerf war, use some of the things that you have made or give them to the army. Ceiling bombs are extremely useful for stealthy assassination. Make sure the army knows basic deployments tactics for the weapons, and clear orders for deployment.
  3. Become a Nerf Engineer Step 3.jpg
    Make things durable, and one to where it blows when it's shot.
  4. Become a Nerf Engineer Step 4.jpg
    ALWAYS make sure that the enemy knows that you are crafting secret Nerf inventions, but don't tell them what they are. This will scare the enemy, because they will not know what will come next.